Geneviève Proulx is a doctoral candidate in Clinical Psychology at the Université du Québec en Outaouais. She is also a member of the Research Partnership on Parental Separation and Family Recomposition.
She has expertise in community-based research and policy analysis, and has been implementing projects with marginalized populations for the past decade.
In Their Shoes: Maternal Experiences of Single-Parent Outaouais Women
Geneviève’s project examines the maternal experience of marginalized women in the Outaouais community. Her research investigates needs for material, social and psychological support; the women’s use of community mental health services and barriers to their use; and factors related to their resilience.
Qualitative data will be collected from eight single mothers in the Outaouais through semi-structured interviews and the Photovoice technique, in partnership with the Centre Espoir Sophie (Sophie’s Centre for Hope) in Ottawa.