Comparing reliability and validity of the BMHS for capturing children and youth with mental health needs, against the ChYMH-S

Oluwakemi Aderibigbe


  • The project has established the validity and reliability of mental health assessment tools like BMHS and ChYMH-S, enabling non-mental health professionals to identify moderate-severe mental health conditions in children and youth. This, in turn, supports effective referral and prioritization of urgent needs and resource-intensive services.

  • It laid the groundwork for positive changes in pathway processes and interagency collaboration, ultimately enhancing access to child and youth mental health services.

  • The project has also fostered better working relationships between police and ER staff, with ongoing advocacy to further strengthen interagency collaboration for improved mental health care access and the optimal use of health information.

  • Ontario

  • Fellowship

  • Nipissing University

  • HANDS TheFamilyHelpNetwork

  • Mitacs and the Knowledge Institute for Child & Youth Mental Health and Addictions

  • 2021-2022

  • Access to mental health services through police recognition, early intervention, and the evaluation of screening tools

  • Youth (aged 13-18)

About the Project

The core objective of this research project is to improve access to mental health services for children and youth in the North Bay region. The study is centered on enhancing the ability of police officers to recognize mental health issues in at-risk young individuals, optimize early intervention and mitigate the challenges posed by extended waiting lists for services. In this pursuit, the project evaluated the effectiveness and credibility of the Brief Mental Health Screener Police Assessment (BMHS) by comparing it to the established Child and Youth Mental Health Screener (ChYMH-S).

The research also investigated how data gathered from North Bay police services aligns with patterns in the broader context of Ontario. A Train-the-Trainer program empowered the HANDS' mental health team, enabling them to make informed decisions regarding early assessments and interventions. This holistic approach aimed to enhance the support system for at-risk youth in North Bay while addressing systemic barriers.


The research began with a literature review on police involvement in mental health assessment, which examined the reliability and validity of mental health assessment tools, particularly the interRAI Brief Mental Health Screener (BMHS). Methodologies for comparing BMHS and the Child and Youth Mental Health Screener (ChYMH) were developed. Data analysis compared BMHS and ChYMH data to assess their reliability and validity. This led to hospital staff receiving training in using the interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health Screener (ChYMH-S). BMHS data from North Bay Police were analyzed to assess trends and impacts. The study measured North Bay Police officers' knowledge and attitudes regarding BMHS..


  • This project laid the groundwork for positive changes in the process and collaboration across agencies, aiming to enhance access to child and youth mental health services.

  • Evidence also showed that over 70% of children/youth and their caregivers involved with the Child’s Aid Society have mental health or substance use conditions.

  • Hospital frontline staff are now trained to use ChYMH-S, a reliable tool for identifying moderate-severe mental health conditions in children and youth, allowing for appropriate referrals, and prioritizing urgent needs.

  • The training also increased police officers' awareness of indicators of mental health issues in young individuals, improving their ability to identify and refer those in need.

  • There was a noticeable improvement in how well North Bay police officers can recognize and refer children and youth with moderate-severe mental health conditions to the hospital, fostering better relations with the ER staff.

Project Outreach

This project trained 50 police officers in Northern Ontario to handle youth mental health issues and created software for better referrals to mental health services. Officers improved at recognizing these challenges, leading to more referrals. It gained national attention through a CBC article and remained within Ontario without expansion.

Resources Created

  • Presentations by Dr. Ron Hoffman before North Bay police officers (May 2023).

  • Presentation by Dr. Ron Hoffman and Dr. Roxana Vernescu at the interRAI Children’s Meeting March 20, 21, 2023, St. Augustine, Florida, USA.

  • The researcher’s contribution helped the project to create numerous other resources (click HERE to read about Drs. Hoffman, Benevides and Hinz’s project).