Minimizing mental health impact of burnout and vicarious trauma on front-line workers of the residential care agencies
Selvini Devasagayam
A Burnout, Vicarious Trauma, Intent to Leave (BVTIL) tool was developed to assess and manage long-term changes within the mental health wellbeing of staff.
Workshops were organized to disseminate results of this research within organizations across Ontario and Canada with similar mandate to OARTY as well as to researchers and students in a similar field.
Seneca College
The Ontario Association of Residences Treating Youth (OARTY)
Workplace Mental Health
People at Work (Healthcare Workers)
About the Project
Burnout and vicarious trauma (trauma associated with becoming overly involved emotionally with a patient) have caused increased turnover rate among front-line workers of residential care agencies. The objective of this research was to better understand these contributing factors and to reduce the turnover rate in the health sector. The researcher identified and developed self-care techniques that can be implemented for front-line workers of residential care agencies particularly, the Ontario Association of Residences Treating Youth (OARTY) and its members.
Over 30 OARTY workers were recruited to participate in a two-part survey The first part of the survey investigated existing self-care techniques used in practice, while the second part was a Burnout, Vicarious Trauma, Intent to Leave (BVTIL) tool to assess the levels of burnout and vicarious trauma these workers were experiencing in residential care agencies.
Studies have shown that implementing daily self-care practices has a positive impact on mental health which further reduces staff turnover. Encouraging staff to implement self-care activities including relaxation techniques (e.g. breathing, muscle relaxing, etc.) in their daily routine can provide positive mental health benefits and reduce staff turnover.
Proposing long term organizational solutions include implementing workshops on different aspects of self-care in the residential care context have a positive effect on mental health and reduces staff turnover
Resources Created
A self-care practice manual for front-line staff at OARTY
A BVTIL tool to monitor long-term changes in the staff mental health wellbeing
1 paper
1 presentation of the final results to OARTY, its members, other similar organizations and Ontario/Canadian colleges and universities