Mental Health Support Report Card: Failing grades coast to coast
The report presents data from MHRC's partnership with Pollara Strategic Insights during our national mental health polling initiative. The information in this report was collected from November 1 to November 16 2023, in Poll 18 of our national population study. This data represents 3,207 respondents (16 years or older) who answered questions about their mental health in an online survey.
MHRC is pleased to partner with the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health (CAMIMH) to look at Canadians perception of various elements of mental health services delivery in Canada.
9 in 10 Canadians (90%) indicated that timely access to mental health services is important, and 83% agree that provincial governments should hire more mental health providers.
This report was structured primarily in the form of a report card, with failing grades overall across all provinces (except New Brunswick) in Mental Health services. Canadians were particularly critical in the areas of Access, Satisfaction and Effectiveness, with slightly higher grades in Public Confidence.
Canadians were also critical of Substance Use Health services, with an average grade of “D". The scores are slightly higher than for Mental Health services, although they also gave them failing grades, especially in Effectiveness and Satisfaction.
Deeper analysis suggests that Women, middle-aged and older Canadians, and non-Visible Minorities consistently gave lower scores to both Mental Health and Substance Use systems. As well, those marked “familiar” with mental health systems or those likely dependent on substances scored the respective systems higher than those less familiar with these systems.
A collection of our previously released research briefs providing an in-depth investigation of our polling results can be found here.